
26th October 2018

Cornwall energy recovery centre | Operational update

We will be shutting down the energy recovery centre this weekend in preparation for the final stages of the re-commissioning of the turbine. It is anticipated that the facility’s two lines will be brought back into service at the end of next week to recommence processing waste, with the turbine re-starting approximately one week later.

At points during the re-starting of the lines, steam will be released from the facility until it reaches the required pressure to pass through the air cooled condenser fans. As such, you may see steam coming from the facility at intervals. Similarly, during the subsequent re-starting of the turbine, there is the potential that steam may need to be released from the facility.

During our last maintenance period, we installed an additional silencer on one of the steam release points, which was successfully trialled during the last re-start, in order to further minimise the noise associated with steam releases during the re-start process.

If you have any queries, please call 01726 828 230 or contact us online.

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